It is Saturday, June 20th, the day that the tipping point was reached in Iran. Today is the day that demonstrations in Iran stopped being about who won the election and started being about freedom. Yesterday, the blood started to flow in earnest as the government played hardball with dissenters and as evening fell fear was in the air and death was on the streets.
The people of Tehran stood on their roofs and prayed to God. A young Iranian woman captured the moment in a moving poem and posted it on YouTube for the world to see. Please watch and listen and as you do offer a prayer not only for the people of Iran but for all of humanity everywhere. Because this Saturday, June 20th, we are all Iranians.
Well guys, I think this is something they are going to work out for themselves, but the world is definitely watching and that video just broke my heart.
If at all possible, I would like to see this dealt with by the Iranian people. Westerners' intervention isn't particularly welcome in the Middle East countries and there are myriad reasons why.
My hope is, if it isn't internally settled, that the western nations, including mine (Canada), will open their doors to the people who are being persecuted.
I agree with you, Flash. Canada at least has a better track record than the USA when it comes to the Middle East--I think that what started as protest over the election has now escalated to real revolution and that is not something any outsiders should get involved in.
It is beyond sad. I hope the nations of the world WILL come to the aid of the Iranian people. Soon.
I agree with Steph that it's sad, but hopefully it won't only be the U.S. that comes to their aid, but a coalition of several countries.
Well guys, I think this is something they are going to work out for themselves, but the world is definitely watching and that video just broke my heart.
If at all possible, I would like to see this dealt with by the Iranian people. Westerners' intervention isn't particularly welcome in the Middle East countries and there are myriad reasons why.
My hope is, if it isn't internally settled, that the western nations, including mine (Canada), will open their doors to the people who are being persecuted.
I agree with you, Flash. Canada at least has a better track record than the USA when it comes to the Middle East--I think that what started as protest over the election has now escalated to real revolution and that is not something any outsiders should get involved in.
Packrat, I found this very moving and posted it as a guest post on my blog, too. Please let me know if that's not alright.
Susan-- I'm honored:-)
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