Thursday, September 22, 2011

A World of Progress on BlogTalk 'Radio

I've been tuning in on Sunday nights at 7:30 EDT to  AWOP radio ( thats short for A World of Progress) and I just want to share that this is a fabulous internet radio show for anyone interested in progressive issues.  It offers good conversation and a liberal but sane perspective.  Hie yourself on over to AWOP's Progressive Media Center and download a couple of podcasts of past shows and give a listen. You'll see what I mean.

Co hosts Kim G. and Momma Politico are tackling the big issues that won't go away with great guests and tell-it-like it is conversation about the things that really matter.  Their aim is to air the voices that need to be heard and that is exactly what they do for two hours every Sunday evening.

Guest interviews are interspersed with great music and  host chat and listener call in questions.  Recent shows have  tackled healthcare for the uninsured in America, how the GOP is eviscerating public education, women and the Arab Spring with former CNN middle east expert, Octavia Nassar , and just last week an interview with Wendell Potter, whistle blower and author of the book Deadly Spin. All of this is interspersed with kickass country music and cool political satire. There is never a dull moment, I assure you.

Kim G. is the founder of A World of Progress and the brains behind its expansion into  growing multi faceted online presence dedicated to honest progressive principles and the airing of the truth.  A native Texan, Kim, after a stint in the Air Force and service in combat as a medic during the first Gulf War, carrved out a successful corporate career in the health care insudstry( and I do mean industry)

She did well and  ended up with big bucks and a place in the boardroom, but life in the fast lane just didn't do it for her, and after seeing  the dark underbelly of American capitalism, Kim cashed in her chips and checked out, opting for a spiritual retreat to a remote cabin in the mountains of North Carolina.

AWOP radio came out of Kim's personal voyage of self discovery on that mountaintop and it shows. The guests she features, the music she chooses, the issues she tackles all reflect a marvelous concern and authenticity that is rare on the American political scene these days. I'm thinking we need more of this kind of thing all along the political spectrum and throughout the media.  Personally, I am totally in support of someone whose loyalty to ethical concerns trumps money, power, and the bottom lline.


mommapolitico said...

Hey, thanks so much, Pink, for the kind words and kudos! You have always been such a supporter of all of my projects - I appreciate it so much, and I know the rest of the team does, too! Sure was nice chatting with you again on the show - hope we'll hear from you again soon!

Take care, my friend. And thanks again for your generosity of spirit - you're "good people," as they say!

Unknown said...

My pleasure Momma-- always like to recommend good folks and good ideas