Friday, November 2, 2012

Hurricane Christie and President Obama

Chris Christie is plain spoken to the point of boorishness and often ruffles a lot of New Jersey feathers (including mine). Not this time.  I was delighted with his support for President Obama's response to Hurricane Sandy.  It made sitting here in the dark with no heat, hot water or internet access easier to bear.  It really did.

 I don't know if Governor Christie's praise for President Obama was motivated by political expediency or genuine appreciation or both.   It really doesn't matter, because at the eleventh hour of this down to the wire Presidential campaign, Christie, the darling of the  Republican party and possible contender in 2016, threw a monkey wrench into the works by praising President Obama's handling of hurricane Sandy and hanging out with him in a helicopter as the two surveyed the wreckage of the Jersey Shore

They are really scrambling down at Romney headquarters. The Super PACs are stepping up with last minute lavish spending on some pretty whackadoodle TV ads and I think I noticed that Romney's nose was growing. Hurricane Sandy may have given New Jersey a hard time, but Hurricane Christie just delivered a sucker punch to the Romney campaign

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